
The Wish Fish (The Fisherman and his Wife adapted by Puppets Elora)
Ages K – Gr. 6
Life is already pretty good for Henk and Lisa down by the water, but will they resist the temptation of a Wish Fish?
Puppets Elora has made two life-sized puppets, a magic fish, a fantasy fabric waterfront, house back drops and cool vehicles to entertain families with our Canadian adaptation of a coastal story from Germany.
Approx. 25 minutes, Q&A and introduction to puppetry included to adapt to your period length.
Fee: $200 (set-up time: 30 minutes)
Contact Us for Booking Information

Stone Soup (adapted by Peter Scott)
Ages: Preschool – young at heart
Two large puppets, a quaint cook stove and ample audience participation are the ingredients in the Puppets Elora version of the classic tale, “Stone Soup”. We love to share the message that the recipe for nourishing a community is joyful co-operation.
Approx. 15 minutes for show, Q&A and introduction to puppetry included, to adapt to your period length.
Fee: $200 (set-up time: 15 minutes without sound system / 45 minutes with sound system)
Contact Us for Booking Information

The Frog Prince (adapted by Laura Fairfield)
Ages: K – Grade 6
This witty re-telling of the familiar Brothers Grimm tale remains a perennial favorite, complete with a bouncy frog, a powerful wizard, a prince and a princess (both with lots to learn). Frog Prince is performed on our gorgeous Punch and Judy style stage by 5 puppeteers.
Baroque court music courtesy of “vent et cordes”, Schwerin, Germany
Approx. 25 minutes, Q&A and introduction to puppetry can be included to fill a 40 minute period.
Fee: $250. (Set-up time (Sound system and lights): 90 minutes / set strike: 20 minutes)
Contact Us for Booking Information

That’s Not My Mommy (adapted by Gail Brown)
Ages: Preschool – Grade 3
When Baby Skunk can’t find his Mommy, Butterfly offers to look for her. Following Baby’s simple descriptions, she brings back the oddest assortment of creatures. Why can’t Butterfly find the right Mommy?
This preschool show introduces Canadian animals in a fun way and encourages audience participation. Children will have the opportunity to sing along and to help Butterfly find Mommy Skunk.
Approx. 15 minutes, Q&A and introduction to puppetry included to adapt to you period length.
Fee: $200 (set-up time: 30 minutes)
Contact Us for Booking Information

No Puppets – No Problem (by Peter Scott)
Ages: K – Grade 6
Before your very eyes Puppets Elora creates a set and cast of puppets from common household objects and then performs our version of the African tale “Awongalema” that will both entertain and inspire you to see everyday objects in a different light. Join in the dance to celebrate the return of the harvest.
Approx. 20 minutes, Q&A and introduction to puppetry included to adapt to your period length.
Fee: $200 (set-up time: 30 minutes)
Contact Us for Booking Information