Shows On Vacation

Paca and the Beetle (by Puppets Elora)

Ages: K – Grade 5
Paca is a lively rodent who lives in the Brazilian rain forest. Unfortunately, she behaves like a bully! A friendly challenge and a kind gesture show her the rewards of friendship, community and generosity.
This play, adapted from a South American folk tale, features colourful animal characters. The soundtrack is lively Brazilian folk and samba rhythms guaranteed to energize a young audience. Ideal for kindergarten through Grade 5, suitable for anti-bullying or friendship programs or for anyone who loves puppets and folktales. Approx. 25 minutes.

Anansi and the Golden Box of Stories

Ages: K – Grade 5
Author Adwoa Badoe, (Crabs for Dinner, The Pot of Wisdom), and former Puppets Elora member Connie Smith collaborated on this lively re-telling of a West African folktale about boastful Anansi, part spider and part man. Performed using traditional sculpted hand-puppets, with a drumming soundtrack contributed by Fule Badoe, this Anansi tale poses the question, “Who brought stories to the world?”
Approx. 30 minutes.

Puppets for “The Last Dragon”, “Babushka’s Doll”, “The Selfish Giant” “Ruby on the Road” and “The First Noel” are also currently resting up. If you are interested in a particular show, please inquire at about future availability.